What is MCT Oil and How Do You Use it with the Keto Diet?

What is MCT Oil and How Do You Use it with the Keto Diet?

MCT oil is one of the hottest supplements these days. With the skyrocketing popularity of the keto diet and bulletproof coffee, everybody and their neighbor wants to know what it is and if they should use it. MCT stands for medium chain triglyceride and the oil is...
Will the Ketogenic Diet Make Me Fatter and Increase My Cholesterol?

Will the Ketogenic Diet Make Me Fatter and Increase My Cholesterol?

Weight gain and a higher cholesterol level are two of the biggest misconceptions about the ketogenic diet. To truly understand why the ketogenic diet will help you lose weight and lower your cholesterol level, you need to know what cholesterol is, and how the body...
What is the Ketogenic Diet and Why is it So Effective for Weight Loss

What is the Ketogenic Diet and Why is it So Effective for Weight Loss

Here’s a simple truth that’s hard to swallow – most people who embark on a weight loss program will fail miserably. Their New Year resolution of losing weight and getting fit is often left to with wither and turn into dust by March… and only comes back to life in...
4 Common Misconceptions about Weight Loss and the Keto Diet

4 Common Misconceptions about Weight Loss and the Keto Diet

The weight loss industry is filled with misconceptions, conflicting information and ‘broscience’ (opinions passed off as facts). It’s no wonder so many people are confused and spinning their wheels not knowing what to do when trying to lose weight. The ketogenic diet...